About the LLSBA Youth Development and Education Fund


LLSBA Youth Development and Education Fund 

The LLSBA Youth Development and Education Fund is a national program created to provide a pathway for encouraging youth to learn about, care for, and ensure the survival of the Leicester Longwool breed. 

Funds will be obtained through donations, fund raising programs and Memorial Contributions.  Unless otherwise designated by the contributor, Memorial Contributions made to the LLSBA in honor of an individual that has passed will be used for Youth Development programs. 

Donate to the LLSBA Youth Development and Education Fund

The LLSBA board will make available $500.00 to award to youth members of the LLSBA (21 years or under) to attend sheep related classes, seminars or schools (e.g. sheep shearing school, workshops offered by the Extension service or sheep breeders, groups, etc.). The award will be presented at the discretion of the Board of Directors (or the Youth Development and Education Fund committee), and may be one award or several awards for smaller amounts.

In addition, Youth Flock Support packages may be given to junior members.  Such support packages may include lamb/sheep survival items, books, or other useful tools. 

The Youth Development and Education Fund committee may receive proposals and recommendations sent to the board for grants or supportive funding for special individuals or group educational needs that are complementary to youth LLSBA projects.

Applicants may apply by sending the LLSBA Board (or Youth Committee Chair) a description of the proposed event they would like to attend, the cost of the event (including travel and hotel expenses) and how attending the event will benefit the youth.  The application must include the class description and any contact information for the class instructors in case the board needs to contact the instructor.  The application must also include two references (e.g. 4-H leaders, teachers, club leaders).

This award is available annually. The award may not be awarded every year if a suitable applicant does not apply.   


Please don’t forget to follow up with 2 two recommendations (e.g. 4-H leaders, teachers, club leaders) using the tag line “Youth Development and Education Fund” emailed to leicesterlongwoolusa@gmail.com