The Making Waves in Wool Certified Breed Campaign promoted by the LLSBA, is an effort to set the historic Leicester Longwool sheep apart from other breeds of sheep, and encourage awareness for breed specific products.
By purchasing an item with the Making Waves in Wool Label, customers can be assured that their purchase is of genuine American grown Leicester Longwool origin.
Use of the Making Waves in Wool Label or Garment tag is not mandatory, but encouraged by members of the LLSBA to help promote Leicester Longwool products.
The Vision Behind
“Making Waves in Wool”
"Making Waves in Wool" slogan is not only a nod to its trademark wavy wool, but also an acknowledgment to the innovation the Leicester Longwool has brought forth to the sheep and wool industry since its beginnings.
It made waves when it became the very first sheep breed to have a breed standard.
It made waves for its siring capabilities, becoming the foundation and grandfather of at least 90 other breeds of sheep.
It made waves in Colonial era America with glowing remarks from our founding fathers.
It made waves in Colonial Williamsburg upon the importation of live sheep, a monumental task, to establish a Leicester Longwool flock here in America.
The Leicester Longwool continues to make waves among handspinners for its lustrous beauty, and endless utility.
Since the beginning, the Leicester Longwool has led the way and will continue to make waves by offering such a multifaceted breed specific label and campaign.
Making Waves in Wool is not only about the trademark wavy wool, but also acknowledging the heritage and continual innovation of our breed.
Please see the “Label Usage Guidelines” for more info on This program and it’s purpose.
Finish a project made from Leicester Longwool?
Proudly flaunt your fiber of choice, by purchasing Leicester Longwool Breed Certified Campaign Reversible Garment Tags! Available to LLSBA Members for use and distribution. They look great on Leicester Longwool pelts, included in pattern kits, and felted items too!
The Official LLSBA Platinum Foil Labels are offered free to members only. (Members reserve the right to ship labels direct to their wholesale clients for Leicester Longwool fiber/products. Please see label usage guidelines for more info.)