Leicester Longwool Sheep Breeders Association (LLSBA)
Policies and Procedures
This is a living document that will continue to change throughout the life of the organization as circumstances and current events warrant. If there are questions or concerns, contact any member of the Board of Directors.
Members may join as active members, friends of the LLSBA, junior members (21 years of age or under), or international members. A Lifetime Membership may be granted with approval by the Board of Directors. Membership requirements and responsibilities are found in the LLSBA by-laws. All associated forms and/or the most up-to-date information can be found on the LLSBA website at www.leicesterlongwool.org under the Member Resources tab.
Flock Identification
Active breeders are assigned a unique flock identification code by the registrar when they join the Association for the first time. Applicants may request a farm code when they join. If the prefix is already taken, an alternate prefix will be suggested. The assigned unique prefix will appear on the Certificate of Registry of the sheep registered by that farm, and along with the ear tag number, will identify the animal.
A list of registered prefixes is maintained by the LLSBA.
Registration Process: Complete instructions for registering sheep can be found on the LLSBA website. Only Leicester Longwool sheep of pure breeding and with registered parents will be accepted for registration. To register sheep, the applicant must be a current active member of the LLSBA with no restrictions imposed by the LLSBA. A link to Pedeweb, the LLSBA’s online registry, is available on the website under the Member Resources tab. An instruction manual is also available there. The use of Pedeweb is the preferred method for members to record their flock statistics and transactions including but not limited to birth and death notification, registration, transfers, alterations and so forth. The importance of maintaining accurate data cannot be overstated. This is the only way we can ensure that our association and its members are heading in the right direction as we attempt to conserve this breed of sheep.
If a member is unable to use the online registry, a paper form accompanied by payment can be mailed to the registrar. All associated forms can be found on the LLSBA website at www.leicesterlongwool.org under the Member Resources tab. If using this option, a completed fee sheet must accompany all transactions.
Application for registration must include the required data to ensure the purity and integrity of the breed. These data include the name, sex, year, month and day of birth of the sheep, the name and registration number of the sire and dam, and an identification number such as tattoo or ear tag of the sheep to be registered. Farm ear tags have an identifier (name, number, or both) selected by the breeder. Federal tags are those required by the USDA Scrapie Eradication Program and have a prefix assigned by the state in which the breeder resides. Producers are required to follow Federal and State regulations for officially identifying their sheep. Federal guidelines can be found at www.aphis.usda.gov. States may vary slightly in their regulations and in some cases the state regulations may be more stringent. Contact your state veterinarian for specifics. Some of the instances where scrapie tags are required are for interstate travel, for sheep leaving your farm to reside elsewhere, and when being sold to another owner. Be safe: become familiar with the regulation.
NOTE: Scrapie is a fatal degenerative disease in sheep. There is no cure or treatment for scrapie. The National Scrapie Eradication Program has reduced the prevalence of scrapie in adult sheep sample at slaughter by over 99 percent. The cooperation of sheep and goat producers is needed to find and eliminate the last few cases in the United States.
If registered sheep are to be sold as non-breeders (rams or ewes removed from the breeding pool due to age, unsoundness, etc.), the registration for such animals must not be transferred. The seller/owner should inform the buyer that offspring from the animal will not be registerable, and should ensure the database is updated to reflect the change in status of the animal.
Foreign Registrations: To be eligible for transfer into the LLSBA’s registry, any sheep born outside of the United States must first be recorded in their respective country of origin’s flock book or registry. In order for the sheep to be transferred into the LLSBA’s registry, the owner must provide the LLSBA with a current registration certificate.
Registration applications must include the flock identification code and the animal’s unique name and number (e.g. HA Jenny 9801), and must be on the form provided for this purpose. A completed fee sheet must also accompany the application.
Bred Ewe Registrations: When any sheep or lamb from a bred ewe is presented for registration, the dam must first be properly transferred to the party making the application for registration. Therefore, when purchasing a bred ewe, the seller of the bred ewe must provide a Certificate of Breeding to the buyer. Provided the dam has been properly transferred to the new owner, the offspring will be registered under the farm name of the owner of the ewe at the time of lambing. Offspring will not be recorded in the flock book until the proper transfer of the dam has been furnished to the registrar, along with the Certificate of Breeding.
Artificial Insemination Registrations: Leicester Longwool sheep born as a result of AI may be registered in the LLSBA. Prior to registration of an AI offspring the sire will be given a registration number by the Association’s official registrar. If the breeder does not own the ram used to artificially inseminate the ewe, a Certificate of Breeding must be completed at the time the semen was collected, or by the owner of the semen at the time the breeding was done. The Artificial Insemination form must be signed by the AI technician. All other information required by the LLSBA must be supplied on the registration application for the lambs to be registered.
Embryo Transfer: Applications for sheep born as a result of embryo transfer may be submitted just as if the sheep were natural born. Donor ewes (i.e. the ewe providing the eggs) used in an embryo transfer must be registered with the LLSBA. The owner of the donor ewe will be listed as the breeder on the certificate of registration issued for lambs born as a result of embryo transfer. If embryos are sold, the lamb born must be transferred from the owner of the donor ewe to the purchaser of the embryo. If the breeder does not own the ram used to artificially inseminate the ewe, a Certificate of Breeding must be completed at the time the semen was collected, or by the owner of the semen. The Embryo Transfer Certificate must be provided. All other information required by the LLSBA must be supplied on the registration application for the sheep to be registered.
Transfers: The seller of the sheep must provide the original certificate of registration with the information of the new owner completed on the back of the certificate, along with the transfer application to the LLSBA registrar within 90 days of sale. A completed fee sheet must also accompany the application.
Time Limitations: No sheep will be accepted for registration after it is three (3) years old, unless in the opinion of the Board of Directors, special circumstances warrant its registration. If more than three years has passed, a petition for registration must be submitted to the Board of Directors. The Board will have the authority to approve or disapprove the petition. The petition will include photos of animal and the ear tag(s) or tattoo number, registration information of both parents, and reason for lack of registration within three years.
Rush Fees: Any registrations or transfers that require expedited processing must be filed electronically and include payment plus rush postage and handling. A completed fee sheet must also accompany the application.
Show Policy
Card Grading: The preferred method for showing Leicester Longwools is a card grading event. For sheep to be shown in an official LLSBA card grading event the animals must be over one year of age and must be registered with the LLSBA. The exception is ewes with lambs at foot may have their lambs accompany them in the ring.
Special Event/National Card Grading Shows: The LLSBA occasionally hosts official card grading shows (e.g. at the Maryland Sheep and Wool Festival). These are solely for educational purposes to help members improve the quality of their sheep according to the breed standard. Evaluators are chosen by the Board of Directors to evaluate the sheep that participate in the card gradings. These evaluators will have extensive knowledge about Leicester Longwools. For these official events, the LLSBA will provide liability insurance for the shows. Expenses for conducting card grading shows will be covered by the LLSBA unless otherwise noted beforehand.
Regional Card Grading Shows: Regional shows may be conducted by the membership of the LLSBA. With prior approval, the LLSBA may make available full or partial funding for providing evaluators that have knowledge of the breed standard. The membership is responsible for all other aspects of conducting the show, such as location, expenses, personal insurance, etc.
Open Show: Sheep that are registered or intended to be registered with the LLSBA may also be shown competitively in White Longwool or Colored Longwool classes, and Youth classes. An informational sheet describing the Leicester Longwool breed standard is available and should be shared with the judge prior to showing.
Insurance for the LLSBA sponsored events will be provided by the association. Regional events must arrange for their own personal and venue insurance.
Promotional Materials
The LLSBA has a display that shows the history of the Leicester Longwools. This display is available to active members and may be used at fiber shows, fairs or any other functions. The LLSBA will mail or deliver this display to the membership upon request. It is the responsibility of the member to keep the display from being damaged and to return the display to the secretary. If any damages are incurred, they are to notify the secretary immediately upon return.
The LLSBA website has many helpful links for handouts that can be printed by the membership to give to the public, including the LLSBA brochure.
The LLSBA website also has items available for purchase with our Leicester Longwool logo.
Committees may be formed to assist in carrying out the work of the LLSBA. Committees must be approved by the board of directors. Committees may be ongoing or may be formed to complete a specific task. Committee chairs will report to the board. All committee work must be done in accordance with the bylaws and policies of the LLSBA. Should funding be required, the committee will submit a proposal to the board of directors for approval. The ability to serve on a committee will be depend on the nature of the committee. For example, service on the Executive committee is restricted to the officers, but service on the Events committee is open to the general membership.
LLSBA Youth Development and Education Fund
The LLSBA Youth Development and Education Fund was created to provide a pathway for encouraging youth to learn about, care for, and ensure the survival of the Leicester Longwool breed. Funds will be obtained through donations, fund raising programs and Memorial Contributions. Unless otherwise designated by the contributor, Memorial Contributions made to the LLSBA in honor of an individual that has passed will be used for Youth Development programs.
The LLSBA board will make available $500.00 to award to youth members of the LLSBA (21 years or under) to attend sheep related classes, seminars or schools (e.g. sheep shearing school, workshops offered by the Extension service or sheep breeders, groups, etc.). The award will be presented at the discretion of the Board of Directors (or the Youth Development and Education Fund committee), and may be one award or several awards for smaller amounts. Applicants may apply by sending the Board (or committee) a description of the proposed event they would like to attend, the cost of the event (including travel and hotel expenses) and how attending the event will benefit the youth. The application must include the class description and any contact information for the class instructors in case the board needs to contact the instructor. The application must also include two references (e.g. 4-H leaders, teachers, club leaders). This award is available annually. The award may not be awarded every year if a suitable applicant does not apply.
In addition, Youth Flock Support packages may be given to junior members. Such support packages may include lamb/sheep survival items, books, or other useful tools.
The Youth Development and Education Fund committee may receive proposals and recommendations sent to the board for grants or supportive funding for special individuals or group educational needs that are complementary to youth LLSBA projects.