Article I - Purpose and Objectives
The purpose of the Association is to improve and enhance the Leicester Longwool Sheep breed
according to the breed standard. The objectives of the Association and its members are to (1) collect
data on, preserve, and promote the increase of the population of the Leicester Longwool sheep breed;
(2) create a platform for support, promotion and education of the breeders of the Leicester Longwool
sheep breed; (3) improve the breed under the guidelines of the breed standard as set by the Leicester
Longwool Sheep Breeders Association of the United States (afterwards known as the Leicester Longwool
Sheep Breeders Association, LLSBA); (4) to register and keep on file all records of the registrations and
transfers of the breed in the United States, and (5) to share information about the breed in order to
increase understanding, interest and support of the breed. The purpose and objectives are consistent
with the nature and status of the LLSBA as a not for profit, membership organization incorporated in the
Commonwealth of Virginia, United States.

Article II – Show Policy
Sheep that are registered or intended to be registered with the LLSBA may be shown competitively in
the show ring ONLY in the White and Natural Colored Wool Classes.

Article III - Membership
Section 1. Eligibility
Any individual who owns and breeds Leicester Longwool sheep or who is interested in Leicester
Longwool sheep is eligible to become a member of the LLSBA.
Section 2. Membership Status
There will be four classes of membership: active membership, junior membership, friends membership
and international membership.
a. Active membership
is limited to residents of the United States who own, breed and register Leicester
Longwool sheep, consistent with the requirements for pedigrees and registration in the LLSBA registry.
Active members may engage in the regular business and activities of the LLSBA including the right to
vote. When an active member ceases to be an owner or breeder of Leicester Longwool sheep, or fails to
register sheep in the LLSBA registry for a period of two consecutive years, the member will automatically
become a Friends Member and the Secretary will remove their name from the active membership list.
b. Junior membership is limited to members 21 years of age and under. Junior members have all the
privileges and responsibilities of active members except for the right to vote.
c. Friends membership
is open to those otherwise eligible for active membership but not owning,
breeding and/or registering Leicester Longwool sheep. Persons who have a friends membership may
become eligible for active membership once they breed and register Leicester Longwool sheep. Friends
members are not entitled to vote.
d. International membership
is open to any individual who is not a resident of the United States who
has an interest in the Leicester Longwool sheep. International members are not entitled to vote.
Section 3. Dues and Fees
Dues will be recommended by the Executive Board and determined by a majority vote of the active
members. Current dues for active members entitle them to register sheep. Dues will be paid on or
before January 31st of each year.
Special fees as determined by the Executive Board may be imposed on active members following a
thirty (30) day prior notice to all active members.
Upon the sale and/or transfer of Leicester Longwool sheep to a non-member, the active member
selling and/or transferring the animal may offer the non-member a one-time, one-year membership in
the LLSBA by paying their membership dues.

Article IV - Meetings
Section 1. Meetings
The LLSBA will conduct an annual meeting to be held at a location determined by the Executive Board.
Agendas for the annual meeting will be distributed electronically to each active member no less than
thirty (30) days in advance of the annual meeting. Additional meetings may be scheduled, subject to
thirty (30) days prior notice to all active members and held with approval of the Executive Board. These
additional meetings may be held by teleconference. Voting may be done electronically with ballots
collected by the Secretary.
Section 2. Quorum
At all meetings of the general membership of the LLSBA, a quorum will consist of a third (1/3) of the
active members in good standing (current on their dues) and a minimum of four Executive Board
Section 3. Parliamentary Authority
The current edition of "Sturgis Standard Code of Parliamentary Procedures" will govern the LLSBA in all
parliamentary situations that are not covered in the law, or in these bylaws, or adopted rules. In case of
a conflict between the provisions of these bylaws and the parliamentary provisions of "Sturgis" the
provisions of these bylaws prevail.

Article V – Executive Board of Directors
Section 1. Definition
The Executive Board of the LLSBA consists of all elected LLSBA officers (President, Vice President,
Secretary, and Treasurer) and three Flock Representatives. To be eligible for election, each member of
the Executive Board must be an active member of the LLSBA. Executive Board members will be elected
by the active members of the LLSBA by majority vote of returned ballots.
a. Flock Representatives
are not officers of the LLSBA but represent the interests of the active members
on the Executive Board.
Section 2. Terms
Executive Board members will serve two-year terms with elections on even years. There is no limit to
the number of terms that can be served.
Section 3. Meetings
Meetings of the Executive Board may be called at any time by the President or by the Secretary upon
receipt of a request by a majority of the Executive Board.
Meetings of the Executive Board may be held by teleconference or electronically provided that all
members of the Executive Board have adequate opportunity to engage in discussion.
Minutes of the Executive Board meetings will be kept and made available to the active members
upon request.
Section 4. Responsibilities
The general management of the business of the LLSBA is vested in the Executive Board. The Executive
Board will conduct the affairs of the LLSBA that do not require a vote from the active members. The
Executive Board has the power to make rules and regulations consistent with the bylaws of the LLSBA
for the guidance of its officers and members and for the transactions of the business of the LLSBA, and
generally to exercise all powers necessary for the transaction of the business of the LLSBA. The
Executive Board has the authority to deviate from the by-laws if such action is deemed advisable and is
approved by unanimous vote of the Executive Board.
Section 5. Quorum
A quorum of the Executive Board will consist of four (4) members.
Section 6. Vacancies
If a member of the Executive Board resigns, or if the incumbent becomes incapacitated and cannot or
is unwilling to perform the duties of office, the Executive Board will elect a replacement. For the
purposes of these by-laws incapacitation means illness or death. An incumbent may resign from the
board by submitting a letter to the Executive Board, and their resignation will become effective upon
acknowledgement of receipt by the Executive Board.
b. Nominations for the vacant position must be submitted to the Secretary. The Secretary will conduct
the balloting of the Executive Board. The Vice President will conduct the balloting if the Secretary office
is vacant.
The newly elected Executive Board member will hold office until the next regularly scheduled election.
Section 7. Nomination and Elections of the Executive Board
a. Nominations for Officers and Flock Representatives
may be made by any active member. Nominees
must be active members current on their dues and registration/transfer fees. Nominations must be
submitted to the Secretary or Nomination Committee and include a written affirmation by the candidate
to be considered and a short statement of interest. Nominations will be opened on March 1 and closed
on March 15th of election years.
Elections will be conducted electronically and overseen by an independent active member solicited
by the Executive Board. Ballots will include the nomination materials provided by the candidates.
Balloting information will be distributed within fourteen (14) days of the close of nominations, with
balloting to occur over the subsequent fourteen (14) days. Successful candidates will be selected by a
majority of voting active members. If there are three or more candidates for an office and a tie occurs
for the top candidates, the bottom candidate(s) will be removed from the ballot and voting repeated
with fourteen (14) days until the majority is attained. Election results will be announced no later than
seven (7) days after the final balloting with final results announced no later than May 15th.

Article VI - Officers
Section 1.
The officers of the LLSBA are the President, Vice-President, Secretary, and Treasurer.
Section 2. Duties of the Officers
a. President
The President presides over all meetings of the members and all meetings of the Executive Board.
Subject to the authority and direction of the Executive Board, the President has general and active
management of the LLSBA and is authorized to execute all orders, resolutions and directives of the
Executive Board. The President has the authority to appoint other non-elected positions and chairs of
ad-hoc committees.
b. Vice-President
The Vice-President exercises all functions of the President in the absence or disability of the President
and performs such duties as may be assigned to him/her by the Executive Board. The Vice-President
assumes the office of President if the President resigns or cannot fulfill the responsibilities of the office.
c. Secretary
The Secretary will keep minutes of all proceedings of the LLSBA and the Executive Board. These
minutes will be open for inspection by any active member. The Secretary is responsible for recording
membership dues, creating ads for promoting the Leicester Longwool sheep, and renewing forms
for the operation of the association. They will also help in coordinating any special events of the
Association, such as Card Grading shows and the annual fall conference. The Secretary will
coordinate with the Treasurer for creating a budget. The Secretary has the authority to appoint a
registrar for the LLSBA. The Secretary will file an annual report with the State of Virginia
d. Treasurer
The Treasurer will deposit the funds of the LLSBA in a financial establishment approved by the Executive
Board and will pay all bills from this account. The Treasurer will coordinate with the Secretary and will
be responsible for creating a budget for the LLSBA and reporting on the financial standing of the LLSBA
upon request from the Executive Board and at the annual meeting. The Treasurer will report the
financial status to the IRS annually.

Article VII – Sheep Identification, Registrations and Pedigrees
A primary function of the LLSBA is to register and provide pedigrees for the Leicester Longwool sheep.
Policies governing the acceptable mechanisms for identifying individual sheep, providing and recording
registrations, and preserving pedigrees will be created by the Executive Board in consultation with the
appointed registrar. Changes in fees for registrations will be recommended by the Executive Board and
registrar and submitted to the active membership for approval by a majority vote of returned ballots.

Article VIII – Amendments
These bylaws may be altered or amended at a meeting of the Executive Board by a 4/7 vote of the
Executive Board or at the annual meeting, provided no less than one-third (1/3) of the active members
are present.

Article IX – Dissolution
Section 1.
The LLSBA may be dissolved at any time by the written consent of two-thirds (2/3) of the
active membership.
Section 2.
Dissolution will be considered only at a meeting of the membership. A special meeting for this
purpose will be called if the Secretary receives a written request for such a meeting from a petition
signed by fifty percent (50%) of the active members.
Section 3.
Dissolution may be considered only if written notice of the intent to dissolve is sent to all
active members not less than thirty (30) days prior to the special meeting called for this purpose.
Section 4.
If the LLSBA is dissolved, all just debts and liabilities of the LLSBA will be paid. After payment
of all debts and liabilities of the LLSBA, its assets and properties will be distributed to a non-profit fund,
foundation or corporation which is organized and operated exclusively for the benefit of sheep
breeders, and which has established its tax-exempt status under Section 501 (c) (5) of the Internal
Revenue Code.

Revised and adopted by a vote of the Executive Board on 2/7/2020